Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Just Be...

On Doing Less...

We live in an overscheduled and busy world.  There are distractions everywhere.  You're probably reading this on your phone or some other device while you're doing something else. 

When we create space we permit choices to emerge.  When we do less we allow for balance in our lives, stress begins to settle and the inner storm quiets.   We encourage natural creativity and as we relax we open ourselves up to the possibilities.  By taking time in our own innate wisdom can arise as well as new perspectives.

Try closing your eyes and inhaling and exhaling for the next few minutes.  Just focus on your breath.

Join Kat for 9:30 Kripalu Yoga on Thursdays @ The Graceful Planet, suitable for everyone.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Mindful Matters

I decided my main focus in my resolutions this year would center around being more mindful.  Mindful eating, mindful meditation, mind-body practices, mindful listening....I'm sure you are getting the idea.  Basically, I want to live more in the present.  Pay attention to what is happening right now.  Being mindful is the path to bring more happiness into your life.

Mindful Tips:

1. Do less.  Don't over schedule, think about what you need do.
2. Be deliberate and slow.  If you rush through your tasks you might miss something.
3. Do one thing at time.  No multi-tasking.
4. Meditate for at least 5 minutes a day, more if you can.
5. Don't worry about the future.
6. Savor your food and eat slowly.
7. Be present when you are with others. Don't scroll your emails or Facebook when you just asked your kids "How was school today?"
8.  Exercise, do something you enjoy.
9.  Get enough sleep.
10.  Smile!