Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 21 The Pursuit of Happiness

That's what it's all about, our pursuit of happiness.  A healthy lifestyle, eating well, exercising and have strong personal relationships, that's what we all strive for in our lives.

 According to a recent study the following are the
 10 Most Enjoyable Activities:

Listening to music
Playing with children
Attending a sporting event
Hunting, fishing, boating, hiking
Parties or receptions
Purchase of personal services
General out-of-home leisure
Cafe or bar
Sports and exercise
Worship and religious acts

That's a nice list.  Listening to music is one of the most enjoyable activities because people report being happier when they're listening  to music and it's associated with very low levels of stress.  Playing with children is tied with listening to music and actually increases happiness more than listening to music, but has slightly higher stress levels.  Watching TV falls somewhere in the middle of the list, however, on average 15 -17% of our time is spent watching TV.

The more time you spend around friends and family members the more likely you will have a nice day.
Create your own happiness list!  And start pursuing your happiness!

Source Well Being the Five Essential Elements by Tom Rath & Jim Harter

TheGraceful Planet                                 Eat Play Live

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 20 - New Discoveries!

It is day 20, you have been reflecting, taking good care of yourself, eating well and exercising.  Have you discovered something new about yourself?  

Self -discovery never ends.  Hopefully we continue to grow and try new things.  I find as I grow older and wiser my interests grow and are more creative.  It takes courage to try new things and to put yourself in new situations.  The challenges we face when we do this expand our horizons and allow us to learn more about ourselves.

In our daily practice, we are reflecting on what has worked for us during our 21 day journey.  Take sometime to think about what practices you would like to continue and make apart of your lifestyle.

The Graceful Planet                           Eat Play Live

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 19 - Journal Thoughts

I hope you have been writing in your journal.  Even if it is sporadic, it can be a motivating tool to right down your thoughts and musings.  Writing can also be a form of therapy.  Writing can help us heal, grow, and change.When we write with purpose it creates focus and clarity into our thoughts.  It allows us to question and clarify our beliefs, concerns, goals. Our most inner thoughts and fears can be explored,

In our daily practice, we are using prompts to help us tune in and begin the process.  Your journal does not need be a fancy book, it can be your computer, a note book or anything you're comfortable using.

The Graceful Planet                                     Eat Play Live

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 18 - Managing Stress

We have been talking a lot about being aware and mindful.  In order to manage stress in our lives we need to be able to recognize the symptoms of chronic stress.  Stress will always exist, it is apart of our lives.  The part that can be managed is our reaction to stress.  Do you fly off the handle?  Or do you simmer for a time and then boil over?

Stress and health are intrinsically connected.  I don't believe you can be healthy and stressed out.    Physical exercise is a great for releaving stress.  Meditation, yoga, walking are all beneficial.  In our daily practice today we talked about taking "Time In", discover what works for you and dedicate yourself to practice.

If you want more tips on stress release, I recommend Dr. Ornish's website.

The Graceful Planet                      Eat Play Live

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 17 - Finding Balance - Mind, Body & Spirit

Creating balance is a challenge for all of us.  When we are in balance we feel good.  We all balance work life, family life, personal relationships and other demands on our time.  Fitting it all in is a challenge. Living a full life can be messy.  I like to live with a "good enough" attitude.  Perfection is not something I strive for in my life.  My desk is usually a mess.  I work with every thing  pulled out, it's just my style.  Neatness and cleaning I see as temporary states.  It helps me feel like I am in control of my life if my personal spaces look that way, but they are far from perfect. And whatever the state is it in it is only temporary.  That idea gives me comfort.

Balancing is difficult.  I find when I balance in Tree pose (standing on one foot) that it is easier when my life is in balance.  I believe it's difficult to find physical balance if your life is not balanced.  Some of us have injuries or limitations, that make physical balance more of a challenge, I accept that to be so.  However, that should not exclude you from practicing your balance.  Practice is my favorite word.  Practice is not about being perfect.  It is about not giving up.

Our daily practice today is about finding your state of balance and what that looks like.  This takes thought and time.  And yes, practice.

The Graceful Planet                                   Eat Pray Live

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 16 - No Bad Foods!

There are no bad foods
There are no bad foods or good foods.  Some food is better for you than other food.  You have lots of choices. Sharon has been helping us navigate the world of food inspiring us with healthful recipes on Eat Play Live.   Hopefully you are discovering new attitudes toward food and cooking that are pleasurable and sustainable. 

Food and cooking should be fun.  If you dread cooking and don't know what to eat then you are missing out on one of life's great pleasures.  Here is where your attitude and feelings come in.  We need food to live.  The quality of the food is up to you.  Luckily we live in a place that quality food is abundant.  So much of our world has no or very little food choices and tragically no clean water.  But you have choices to make.  

We have been talking about being mindful as we progress on our journey.  Being mindful, being aware and most of all being happy with our choices is sustainable.  In our daily practice we are focusing on our favorite foods and recipes,  what a joy!    Celebrate the wonderful healthy choices that you make!

The Graceful Planet                                Eat Play Live

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 15 - Lifestyle

When we think of medical advances we tend to think of new drugs, high tech surgery and other types of powerful treatments.  What if simple daily choices could impact your health in powerful ways?
Medical research has proven that a low fat mostly plant based diet, stress management and exercise can dramatically improve health and well being.  Need more proof?  Visit Dr. Dean Ornish website.

This week we will continue to focus on improving your lifestyle.  Our daily practice today is about awareness and focusing on how the choices we make impact how we feel.  Tune in.

The Graceful Planet                                 EatPlayLive

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 14- Authentic Success

How do you define success?  Who do you think of?  Is it Angelina Jolie?  Or maybe it's Lady Gaga.  What is it that makes them successful?  Money, fame, or maybe the good things they do is what you like most.  Let yourself think about how you define success. 

Money is important.  We need a certain amount to meet our needs and to be comfortable.  And let's face it, life is easier if you don't need to worry about money.  But success is more than just meeting our basic needs.  

The daily practice of looking for images of success will help you identify your authentic gifts.  Take as much time as you need.  It is a journey and a process, discover your authentic success!

The Graceful Planet              EatPlayLive

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 13 - The Journal, why write?

Writing is a form of thinking.  It is human nature to write.  Writing something down allows us to connect our thoughts.  It can be powerful and spiritual to commit something to writing.  Many people find it difficult to write.  Sometimes the best talkers, say "I can't write."  Free writing is non-judgemental.   It can be a stream of consciousness.  Your journal is for you.  I find I always feel better when I write.  It can be cathartic or just plain fun.  Writing down something makes it real.  Even if it is a fantasy or a dream, it can exist in your journal.  So set yourself free and get out a pen and paper!

The Graceful Planet                                EatPlayLive

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 12 - Be Bold

Be Bold!
What does it mean to be bold?  Webster's defines it as fearless, daring and too free in manner.  Sounds a bit scary.  Are you holding back?  Are you playing a role you are tired of?  Is it time for a bold move? 

Writing a bold affirmation is great first step to embracing the boldness in you.  Affirmations are powerful and can be life changing.  Affirmations work because your mind believes what you tell it.  If you tell yourself over and over again "I am a healthy eater" your subconscious mind will believe it and start to make healthy eating choices.  The secret is repetition.  So get started!

The Graceful Planet                                             EatPlayLive

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 11 - Authentic Style

Do you have a mental picture of what you want to look like?  Let's talk style, health, and fitness.  Are you a wise woman? Or a sassy mom?  Maybe you are focusing on your career,or have gone back to school to finish a degree or get a new one.  We are all faced with that gnawing question:  How do I look?

In our daily practice for this topic we are collecting images of styles we admire.  If we make a conscious decision to nurture our bodies and spirits, our authentic self is easier to find.  If we live in balance and harmony your authentic self emerges.  Authentic style becomes fun and natural.  Self-care is not a chore.  Think about eating healthy, not dieting.  Look for exercise you enjoy and you will want to do it.  

The Graceful Planet                                           EatPlayLive

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 10 - Creating Space for laughter

Do you remember the last time you laughed so hard you cried?  A good laugh feels good.  And there is good reason, laughter is the best medicine!  A good laugh releases endorphins and natural pain killers.  Laughing relaxes face muscles, deepens breathing, improves blood circulation, and even works your abdominal muscles.  People who use humor to cope with stress find they experience less anger and less depression.

Surround yourself with fun people.  Be a seeker of fun and laughter.  Enjoy!

The Graceful Planet                         EatPlayLive

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 9 - Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating
We have been talking about mindfulness and paying attention during the past week.  Mindful eating is a practice of slowing down.  Take time to appreciate the food you have.  Have you ever just stopped to admire the produce aisle?  It is amazing.  We are so lucky to have the amount and types of food available to us.

There are many practices associated with mindful eating.  We are starting with slowing down and devoting ourselves to feeding ourselves for twenty minutes in our daily practice.  You can also be mindful of your portions. Think about how much food you NEED.  If you are hungry, be sure it really is hunger and not some other need you are looking to fill.  Being aware is a big step in managing your food intake.  Try drinking water before you eat.  Be mindful, and make choices.

The Graceful Planet   

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 8 - Week 2 Staying Focused

Congratulations on your finishing your first week of the Healthy Lifestyle Commitment. Hopefully you have discovered some new practices and recipes.  And have begun  incorporating these changes into your daily lifeStaying focused can be a challenge.  It takes twenty -one days for something to become a habit.

Practice is my favorite word.  It is the only way we get better at something.  We have been practicing being mindful, exercising, eating healthy, challenging ourselves to think and act differently, and to write about the experience.  That is a lot of stuff,and if everything on the list is new to you, you may be feeling overwhelmed.  Relax, and pick one or two things that feel right and try to focus on those elements of the program.  Remember this is for you, and should be a joyful experience!

The Graceful Planet.                           EatPlayLive

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 7- Cultivating the Spirit

Cultivating the spirit
The practice of being mindful is a wonderful way to nourish your spirit.  Being mindful is simply paying attention.  Mindfulness is cultivated when we observe without judgment.  Our minds are constantly judging and categorizing and get in the way of discovering peace within ourselves.  When we become the impartial observer we can let go and focus on the breath.  

This practice can be very challenging.  The mind constantly interrupts and wants to take us somewhere.  This is where patience comes in.  Be patient with yourself and gently bring yourself back to the breath.

Approach this practice with a beginner's mind.  Allow yourself to experience the moments of your life without expectations and judgment.

The Graceful Planet                                              EatPlayLive

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 6 - Service

Adding in Service
Adding service to your life adds meaning.  We are all busy, and time and money are more precious then ever.  Giving or volunteering does not need to cost a lot of money or take too much time.  When you open yourself to a sharing and giving way of life opportunities abound.  Take notice of food bank drives, and buy an extra can of something.  At the checkout line there are opportunities to make small donations to a variety of causes.

Check out
for some of my favorite non-profit organizations.   

The Graceful Planet                                          EatPlayLive

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 5 - Doing something different

Do Something Different

Do something different today.  It could be as simple as driving a different way to work.  Or maybe changing your routine a bit.  Maybe you will attempt not to multi-task today. Maybe you will not use your cell phone.  You could make a point to listen to every conversation with all your attention 

Doing something different can renew your spirit, or spark an idea.  Surprise yourself!  Eat something new.  Cook something different.  Push yourself just a bit and see
what can happen.

The Graceful Planet   

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 4 - Journaling

Keeping a Journal
Writing it down makes it real.  Whether it's a "To Do" list or how the warm skin feels on your skin, when we write something down it takes on more meaning.  If you are watching your weight keep a journal of everything you put in your mouth.  Being aware and keeping a record makes us more accountable.

Your journal could be a diary of your daily musings.  Or it could be a gratitude journal, where you note the things in your life, in your day that you are grateful for having.  Maybe you are a poet.  Writing is a lot like thinking, we just don't get enough of it.  Make some time to write, and if you want tells about it here or on your own blog!

The Graceful Planet           EatPlayLive

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 3 - Creating Space

Creating space for deep personal work is both an inner journey and also an opportunity to create a sacred space in your home or in nature.  And since we are  celebrating January, hopefully you can find a warm corner in your home to create sacred space.  What is sacred space?  It could be an altar with a few special things on it.  It could be religious, or completely personal, including photos, mementos or just a candle.  The point is to create a space of your own where you can be quiet and reflective. If you have small children you might want to get up a little earlier to have a few moments to yourself.

Try to make this a new habit.  Finding time to just be can create a sense of calm that carries you through your day.

The Graceful Planet      EatPlayLive Recipes

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 2 - Mindful Living

Yesterday we spoke about finding a way to exercise every day.  Daily exercise will help you gain strength, lose or maintain your weight, and help you reduce stress. All important components of a healthy lifestyle.

Being mindful adds a new dimension to our lives.  How often do we mindlessly go through our day?  Missing parts of conversations, rushing ourselves and loved ones, and multitasking are all apart of modern day life.

I have found that I am the happiest when I focus on what I am doing.  I'm the best me when I devote myself to whatever it is I am doing.  Unfortunately, there are many distractions and many demands on our time.  We all have many demands.  Consider challenging yourself to do one thing at a time.  If you find yourself multitasking stop yourself and focus on the task at hand.  

If someone is desperate for your attention, give it to them.  Listen and give them your complete attention.  Try it and see how it makes you feel.  Notice how it makes that someone feel.

The Graceful Planet     EatPlayLive

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day One of your 21 day commitment!

Take a deep breath as you lift your arms over your head, hold onto your opposite elbow, reach and give yourself a pat on the back and now the other side.  Making a healthy commitment, calls for a pat on the back.  As you begin the next 21 days, be kind to yourself.  Try not to judge or over think.

What is a 21 day healthy lifestyle commitment?  For some of you it could be a lifestyle change.  For others it could be slight changes to an already healthy lifestyle. We are focusing on three elements of a healthy lifestyle over the next 21 days; nutrition, fitness and stress management.

We all know we should exercise everyday, but realistically that may not happen.  There are so many things we are "supposed" to do it can be overwhelming.  Doing something you enjoy really helps.  Do you like yoga?  Walking? Or maybe you love to dance?  Doing something is better than doing nothing.  Maybe doing some push ups or sit ups for 10 minutes is the best you can do some days. Taking an hour long yoga or dance class might only happen once or twice a week or month. Try to fit in your exercise as you can.  Turn on some music as you do your chores, find reasons to move.  Find reasons to celebrate and have fun.

Do you have some tips to share?  Tell us what helps you to move.  Or if you need some extra motivation let us know how we can help.

The Graceful Planet   EatPlayLive - Recipes

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Healthy Living Commitment starts tomorrow!

It has been a snowy start to our new year! And it looks like we have more snow on the way this week.

Tomorrow we begin our "Healthy Living Commitment." When I started this project of writing "inspirations" for twenty-one days I wasn't exactly sure what I would write. Everyone knows they should exercise everyday. Eating right is more complicated. Sharon Martovitch our Nutritional Consultant and Chef will help us with healthy recipes and advice through out the program, so that's covered. What would I write about everyday?

I decided to focus on self; self- development, self-nuturing and being mindful. Women have a tendency to focus on other peoples needs rather than our own. I believe in the oxygen mask theory they teach us in airplanes. Put the mask on yourself first then help the person next to you. You aren't much help if you are gasping for air yourself. When you make yourself a priority you eat right, you exercise more and enjoy life. That is healthy living!

Each day you will receive an email that includes an article. The email will get you started and if you want to read more you can visit my blog, Graceful Planet Living. The next section will offer a "Daily Practice", and it is designed to get you thinking and to inspire healthy living. Following that you will find a "Healthy Recipe" supplied by Sharon, our Nutritional Consultant to inspire your cooking skills.

I hope you find the journey inspiring, please feel free to comment on the blog and share your experiences. I hope to see you all in class as we focus ourselves on Graceful Living.


PS. Feel free to invite friends to join us on this path! If you would like to receive the emails let us know at