Saturday, February 27, 2010

My bags are packed and I am ready to go....

It is Saturday afternoon in Moshi.  It is so hot as I type this my face is sweating.  Snow sounds really nice about now, sweaters, boots, mittens, clean cold air.  Starbucks, Chai Tea, organic anything, okay I am getting carried away.  I am packed pretty much, and after my shower I will be just waiting until it is time to leave.  This has been an incredible experience, but I am ready to go.  There is a few of us, mostly the "older" group, that is leaving this weekend.  The folks that arrived with us are sad that we are leaving, the teen crowd does not care, but the over 24 crowd now is feeling out numbered by the kids and they say they are homesick.  My partner Ali, feel sick today, it seems there are few who get by not getting sick.  I consider myself very lucky.  I stuck with my moderation, and "don't make a mistake philosophy" and it seems to have worked.  I just need to make it through the next 30 hours or so and I will be home!

I will be sharing some more behind the scenes stories as we chat and I willl do more postings as I digest the past 3 weeks.  I feel like it will take a year or a book to say and share all that there is to say.  Thanks for your thoughts and support through all of this, for reading my blog and sending me your positive energy.  I look forward to re-connecting with all of you and I hope to see you all soon!  Let's do some Yoga!


1 comment:

Jodi said...

Kat. I have been following your blog (after having a fight with my computer for a couple of days). Therefore, this is my first comment to you. I am so proud of what you have done. What an amazing journey. I look forward to hearing more upon your return. Safe travels. Namaste! Jodi