Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 2 - Mindful Living

Yesterday we spoke about finding a way to exercise every day.  Daily exercise will help you gain strength, lose or maintain your weight, and help you reduce stress. All important components of a healthy lifestyle.

Being mindful adds a new dimension to our lives.  How often do we mindlessly go through our day?  Missing parts of conversations, rushing ourselves and loved ones, and multitasking are all apart of modern day life.

I have found that I am the happiest when I focus on what I am doing.  I'm the best me when I devote myself to whatever it is I am doing.  Unfortunately, there are many distractions and many demands on our time.  We all have many demands.  Consider challenging yourself to do one thing at a time.  If you find yourself multitasking stop yourself and focus on the task at hand.  

If someone is desperate for your attention, give it to them.  Listen and give them your complete attention.  Try it and see how it makes you feel.  Notice how it makes that someone feel.

The Graceful Planet     EatPlayLive

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