Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 11 - Authentic Style

Do you have a mental picture of what you want to look like?  Let's talk style, health, and fitness.  Are you a wise woman? Or a sassy mom?  Maybe you are focusing on your career,or have gone back to school to finish a degree or get a new one.  We are all faced with that gnawing question:  How do I look?

In our daily practice for this topic we are collecting images of styles we admire.  If we make a conscious decision to nurture our bodies and spirits, our authentic self is easier to find.  If we live in balance and harmony your authentic self emerges.  Authentic style becomes fun and natural.  Self-care is not a chore.  Think about eating healthy, not dieting.  Look for exercise you enjoy and you will want to do it.  

The Graceful Planet                                           EatPlayLive

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